Kovactransport.com | Vozový park
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Our fleet is regularly updated so as to live up to the highest technical standards.




trucks with overall capacity 7.5t


Mega trailer (100 cbm)


Maxi trailer (90 cbm)

Regular servicing and state-of-the-art maintenance of our fleet paired with professional approach and good language command of our staff is what enables us to transport your cargo safely and smoothly to the desired destination. We can always check your cargo by contacting the driver by phone, and we have GPS tracking of our fleet.

  • 14 semi-trailers
  • 7 x mega trailer (100 cbm)
  • 5 x maxi trailer (90 cbm)
  • 3 x freezer trailer
  • 16 box trucks adjusted to haul textile goods with overall weight below 7.5 t and useful load of 2300-2600 kg

We think ecologically – our company does its best to care for and protect the environment. Our vehicles comply with the strict European ecology standards. Drivers always take the shortest route. We save power, water and fuel.